From Resistance to Permeation
Text: Neimenis, Astrida, ( 2012). Hydrofeminism,or On becoming a Body of Water in Undutifull Daughters; Mobilising Future Concepts, Bodies and Subejectivities in feminist Thought and Practice. Near the end of my stay, august fellow, Heather Fulton, from Scotland, invivted a small group to reflect on a text which helped me connect the various meanings and emotions which I had experienced all along. Heather and I found a serendipitous connection when chatting in Venice; Heather is a great friend of Anthony Shrag (former lecturer at University). I cite Sharg's thesis and paper all over my PhD. Schrag, A. (2013)- The Artist as Social Worker Vs. The Artist as Social Wanker- Statecraft: The Triad of Participation -Blog. Available at : [Accessed: October 2018] S...